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Dick Turpin, the legendary swashbuckling highwayman

**Accompanies episode 60 of Ladies Who London Podcast

The classic image of the highwayman Dick Turpin as a gentleman thief. This image is wildly inaccurate, as we will discover

The Gregory Gang holding Widow Shelley to the fire during a break-in at a remote farmhouse. It is believed Dick Turpin was present at this break-in, but was a big part of the Gregory Gang, based in Essex.

Tom King, accomplice of Dick Turpin

Dick Turpin in his cave in Epping Forest, shooting a man - possibly Tom Morris

Dick Turpin as Richard Palmer, his alter ego when he fled north.

An account of the trial of Dick Turpin in 1738, detailing the death sentence to be carried out the following year.

Dick Turpin's execution in York at what is currently the York racecourse. He put on a show for the attendant audience!

His tombstone, reading both names attributed to Dick Turpin, where his body was reburied after being body snatched!

The book The Genuine History of the Life of Richard Turpin, written by Richard Bayes, who was instrumental in the recapture of the horse Whitestockings, leading to the killing of Tom King by Dick Turpin

The front cover of the book Rookwood by Harrison Ainsworth, who was almost single-handedly created the romantic image of Dick Turpin as a gentleman criminal - in fact, the book is referred to on the cover as a romance!

Black Bess, the fictional horse of Dick Turpin and his equally fictional 200 mile ride in one day to York - both of these are attributed to the book Rookwood.

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